



User-friendly statistical software

  • user-friendly, fast and reliable statistical software
  • easy to learn
  • one edition includes all features (do not pay extra for the functions you really need).
  • includes more than 220 statistical tests, procedures and graphs
    • method comparison and method evaluation including Bland-Altman plot, Passing-Bablok regression, and Deming regression, ...
    • reference intervals, including age-related reference interval
    • Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Cox proportional-hazards regression
    • meta-analysis
  • save graphs in SVG, PNG, JPG, high resolution TIF, or other file formats, or as PowerPoint slides (*.pptx).
  • free updates
  • available with an English, Chinese (simplified and traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian and Spanish user-interface (help file and documentation in English)
  • compatible with all contemporary Windows desktop editions

System Requirements

  • PC with Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 or 11; or Windows Server 2008 or more recent (all 32-bit and 64-bit versions supported).
  • On Windows versions prior to Windows 8, support for Excel *.xlsx files additionally requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (a free download from Microsoft).
  • 2048 Mb of memory.
  • 150 Mb free space on the hard disk.
  • To run MedCalc on a Mac, a Windows emulator is necessary such as Parallels or use Bootcamp.