What is StataNow™?
First and foremost, StataNow™ is Stata. It is a continuous-release version of Stata that offers new features as soon as they are ready. StataNow™ is the result of our ongoing effort to deliver the best Stata—the most current Stata—to our users.
Before StataNow™, most new features became available only at the time of a major release such as Stata 17, Stata 18, and so on. StataNow™ provides access to new features sooner. For instance, StataNow™ contains features that will also be part of a future major release, Stata 19.
View StataNow™ featuresThe features in StataNow are fully tested, fully certified, well documented, version controlled (if needed), as well as polished to our customary high quality. These features are prioritized in the development cycle to be available as soon as they are ready so that users can take advantage of them right away. As always, all versions of Stata are updated regularly with any corrections and necessary improvements. You can view a list of all additions to Stata and StataNow since we shipped Stata 18.
The new features in StataNow are released continuously throughout the current release until the next major release. They are not released according to any preset schedule. All StataNow features are marked as such throughout the Stata website and the Stata documentation.
Because StataNow is Stata, when we mention "Stata" throughout our website and documentation, we also mean "StataNow". We will be specific about StataNow for features available only in StataNow. And because StataNow is Stata, it is available in all editions (StataNow/MP, StataNow/SE, and StataNow/BE) and on all supported platforms (Windows, Mac, and Linux). Throughout the website and documentation, we will usually refer to just Stata/MP, Stata/SE, and Stata/BE for simplicity. If you have a StataNow license as described below, you can take this to mean StataNow/MP, StataNow/SE, or StataNow/BE.
How can I get StataNow™?
All annual license holders have access to StataNow, regardless of whether you have an annual license or multiyear license or whether your institution has a site license. You can access the latest StataNow features by simply typing update all in the Command window or by asking your system administrator to update your Stata. Existing Stata 18 users may need to type update all twice. The first update will give you a Stata that knows how to update itself to StataNow. The second update will be StataNow. Then type help whatsnew to see the list of all features.
If you have a perpetual license with maintenance, contact us to obtain new download and license information for StataNow.
If you have a perpetual license without maintenance or your maintenance or license has expired and you want to get access to these great new features, contact us for your options.
How do I know if I already have StataNow™?
When you start Stata, you will see StataNow on the splash screen. You can also type about and you will see StataNow on the first line.
How do I continue receiving new features in StataNow™?
We are adding new features to StataNow continuously. To access these features, all you (or your system administrator) need to do is type update all in the Command window in StataNow. Then type help whatsnew to see the chronological list of all features.
New in Stata 18
- Causal mediation analysis
- Tables of descriptive statistics
- Robust inference for linear models
- TVCs with interval-censored Cox model
- GOF plots for survival models
- Meta-analysis for prevalence
- Local projections for IRFs
- Model selection for ARIMA and ARFIMA
- Corrected and consistent AICs
- IV fractional probit model
- Alias variables across frames
- Boost-based regular expressions
- Vectorized numerical integration
- Do-file Editor enhancements